Ready Player One

 I really liked this movie. This was the one I would most likely watch on my own outside of class so far. I related to it more because it was a more modern take. I also really appreciated seeing the Oasis and reality. It really added to the experience and made me feel like I was in the world. I think it was the best plot line so far as well. It gave appropriate details, and none of the plot felt rushed. I like that it wasn't;t over dramatic either. That would have bee easy to do considering half of the movie was spent in a virtual reality. However, it incorporated aspects that are true. For example, Aech being a woman despite having a "manly" avatar. 

While doing the assignment this week, I realized all of my friends that play video games play exclusively with each other. I feel like it is usually the assumption that you play video games with people you don't know in real life. That was certainly the case in Ready Player One, but in my life, my friends only played with people they know in real life. They play multiplayer games, so they are in lobbies with people they don't know, but they play team games so they are always on a team with their friends. I don't play a lot of videos games, but when I do I only play with people I know. I only play Minecraft by myself or with my brother, and I used to play an online game called Town of Salem with my friends. I even only play games like Trivia Crack when I'm playing against someone I know.

Notes from Class

Ready Player 1

  • 2045 - The Stacks - Columbus, Ohio
  • Everyone is using virtual reality devices
  • Everything is stacked on each other
  • Main character born in 2027 and lived through a bunch of things - people stop trying to fix things and instead outlive them
  • Columbus, Ohio is the fastest growing city on Earth
  • James Halliday created the Oasis
  • The Oasis: limitless virtual reality
  • “People come to the Oasis for all the things they can do, but they stay because of all the things they can be”
  • His avatar is a lot different than him
  • Since everyone is in the Oasis, thats where they make friends
  • Aech - best friend
    • Never met him in real life
  • Halliday made artifacts and littered them in the oasis so that anyone can get them
  • James Halliday died
    • His casket was surrounded by Star Trek stars
    • He left behind an easter egg in the Oasis and who ever finds it gets his stocks
      • Like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
    • 3 hidden keys to 3 magic gates
  • In five years no one has even gotten one key
  • One person cracked the first code which opened a portal to an impossible race
  • Sixers - work for the IOI (second largest company in the world) to solve Hallidays race
    • No name - only numbers
    • Study all the pop culture Halliday liked to they and crack his puzzles
  • Wade had his own car in his pocket
  • A motorcycle is dodging everything
  • Wade saves Artemis from the Monkey (Donkey Kong??)
  • Parzival
  • Artemis said “A real Gunter would risk everything to save the Oasis from IOI”
  • Wade’s uncle used all of the house money on his avatar and zeroed out and lost it all
  • Wade Watts - his dad picked the name because it sounded like the alter ego of a super hero
    • Like Harry Potter
    • Like Spiderman
  • When the contest started, Hallidays Journal appeared 
    • His brain/memories as a virtual experience
    • Every piece of media he’s seen was recorded and put in the Journal
  • “Why can’t we go backwards for once? Backwards, really fast. As fast as we can.”
  • He goes backwarrds on the race 
    • A secret lever opens up
    • He’s under the track and can see everything happening
    • The monkey sees him
    • He makes it to the finish
    • A orchestra plays with no people only instruments
    • He also gets a clue 
    • He got a 100,000 coins
  • IOI is planning to take down Parzival and win the contest
  • Hes spending a ton of coins 🤦🏽‍♀️
  • IOI dude gets a contractor to get the Orb of Osuvox
  • IOI dude also gets I-R0k to take Parzavel off the leader board
  • “A hater who hates his own creation. Retrace your steps. Escape your past.”
  • Halliday was bigger than Steve Jobs
  • Wades avatar looks like an E-boy and he’s nerdy on reality
  • Hallidays Journal is busy again
  • Artemis grabs him disguised as big scary avatar
    • Like alien movie
    • She tells him he needs a disguise
    • Gives him Clark Kent glasses that hide his identity without changing his look
    • Looks more like him in reality
  • He’s watching a memory a few days before the release of the Oasis
    • He went on a date with Karen Underwood 
    • She turned out to be his partners wife later
    • Her gamertag was Kira
    • She’s only mentioned once in the entire Journal
  • Artemis tells Wade to meet her at 10pm at a dance club
  • Second Life - research
  • Aech is trying to protect Wade
    • Warning him to be careful with who he meets in the Oasis
    • Saying she could be using him
  • Weird cat with boobs gets a picture with Parzavil and sends it to I-R0k
  • I-R0k is listening to them and heard everything Artemis said about the second clue
  • He can feel her touch in his haptic suit
  • I-R0k gonna hurt him
  • He said his real name and I-R0k heard it
  • Artemis scolds him
  • He keeps telling her he’s in love with her
  • Artemis wants to stop IOI from real world consequences and Z doesn’t
  • I-R0k found Parzival’s real world identity
  • Nolan does not play fairly fuck him
  • I-R0k has face tats and a backwards snap back in real life
  • Nolan wants to meet w Parzival
  • IOI is offering him a job
    • Penthouse apartment
    • 4 million dollars a year
    • 25 million dollar bonus if he finds the egg
    • Unlimited everything in the Oasis
    • Nolan is trying to play Wade
      • He has a bunch of the pop culture techs in his ear
    • Nolan wanted him to say no because he wants to win the gg
    • Wade tries to call Alice but Rick picks up and blows him off
    • Their place blows up
    • Wade tries to warn his friends but I-R0k kidnaps him
    • IT’S NOT I-R0k
    • It was one of Artemis’s guys and she has him brought to her safe spot 🥺
    • She’s pretty 🥸
    • She’s wearing a mount joy shirt
    • Nolan thinks his dead so Wade should change his name and avatar and blind side that hoe
    • They go to the Shining 
      • The movie they think he watched on the date w Kira
      • Steven king wrote it and hated it
      • Pages flying off with words in the shape of a key
      • Aech passes a picture that looks like it has Halldiay and Underwood in it
      • Poor Aech is going through it
    • Halliday’s biggest fear was kissing a girl
    • Artemis takes the leap and they all get booted somewhere else
    • Artemis gets the second key
    • Nolan knows that Wade is alive
    • IOI is definitely doin some illegal shit
    • IOI found where Wade and Samantha are hiding
    • Samantha forces Wade out and delays them
    • IOI bought Samantha’s debt and took her to a loyalty center
    • Aech is a woman
      • Her name is Helen
      • Her dad celled her H
    • The Sixers found the third challenge
    • Sho is 11
    • I-R0k activated the Orb os Osuvox
    • Nolan is a dweeb, hes scared of being killed
    • They’re tricking Nolan into thinking he’s in the real world but he’s in the Oasis
      • Reminiscent of The Matrix
    • Nolan knows he’s in the Oasis
    • She tells Nolan to man up
    • Aech activates her iron giant
    • Wade gives a war speech and thousands of avatars come
    • “I am Parzival of the High Five”
    • “No man is a failure who has friends”
    • Samantha gets in as one of the IOI avatars
    • One of the Halliday specialists suggests “Its Adventure” (for the second time)
    • Samantha sends a video orb to the orb and says the chant
    • The adventure game is working
    • I-R0k says the shield should last about 10 million years
    • Samantha successfully takes the shield down
    • Samantha spies again and knows Adventure is the game that’ll win the key
    • Samantha finds wade
    • IOI lady is looking for the van
    • As the IOI lady drives by everyone is fighting in the street (in their headsets)
    • Nolan turns into mecha Godzilla and takes down iron giant :(
    • Data finally joins the fight
    • Date zeroes out
    • Samantha kills Nolan and he zeroes out 
    • Now he knows she’s still in the war room
    • Iron Giant (Helen) falls in the lava
    • Wade kills Samantha so she can escape IOI
    • What if she leads the IOI lady to their van?
    • IOI won Adventure but still died
    • Wade figures out how to get the key but Nolan hears him
    • Nolans artifact kills everyone on planet doom and wipes out the player board
    • Parzival is still alive because the quarter the curator gave him earlier was an extra life coin
    • IOI Halliday expert also knows the last key isn’t after you win Adventure
    • The van finds Samantha
    • The drones just found the van
    • Nolan is also going to the van with a gun
    • Wade wins the last key but IOI found the van
    • Wade tells everyone his real name and says to help in the Stacks
    • F’Nale gets into the van
    • Her ass gets knocked out
    • Signing for it all was a Test and Wade passes (he doesn’t do it)
    • Halliday’s avatar turns into Halliday and they’re transferred into his childhood room
    • Halliday shows him a button that erase the whole Oasis forever
    • The van makes it to the Stacks
    • A lady in the Stacks goes up to Nolan and says leave while you still can but he doesn’t and people surround him
    • Halliday is trying to find the egg and telling his life story
    • Nolan is walking through the crowd because he has a gun
    • Even this reality can be scary and real its the only place you can get a meal because reality is real
    • I cannot believe these coward mer’s are just parting like the Red Sea
    • Nolan doesn’t shoot Wade????
      • He sees the golden egg in Wades hand
      • He complies with the police officers
    • Halliday is dead but he’s not an avatar in the game - when he died he embedded himself into the game?
    • He doesn’t answer Wade’s question and says goodbye and thanks for playing my game
    • Ogden Morrow (?) opens their van
    • Ew awkward kiss - SHO WATCHES HAHA
    • Helen recorded Halliday’s confession and turned it into the police
    • Lawyers show up to give Wade his rights to the Oasis and he decides to split it with his clan
    • Ohhh morrow was Halliday’s partner that he kicked out
    • Morrow was the curator and gave Halliday his extra life
    • Morrow purposefully gave Wade an extra life because he wanted him to win
    • They immediately signed back Ogden Morrow and his salary was a quarter
    • They banned all loyalty centers and IOI went bankrupt
    • They closed the Oasis on Tuesdays and Thursdays so people would spend more time in the real world


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